Tag: Patio and Becos

The Four Famous Macau Pàtios and Becos (Part 2)

Today we continue to discuss the remaining two famous Pátio da Ilusão and my favorite Patio das Seis Casa. Pátio da Ilusão Located in the small streets, Pátio da Ilusão, also known as “Go Lao Lei”, located in the old shop. From rumor people who smoked opium in the houses got its name; consisted merge-in of five houses. Two houses...

The Four Famous Macau Pàtios and Becos (Part 1)

The formation of “Wai” and “Li” (Pàtios and Becos) appear in old times, where business monopoly deadlock released after the Second Opium War; (Speaking of the prosperity of the relationship between the Thirteen Hongs of Canton and the Chinese merchants). After the war in the 16th century, Chinese communities gradually began direct trade with foreigners. These communities began to earn...