Tag: Street food

Duffy’s Irish Pub

Duffy’s Irish Pub, is Macau’s most authentic Irish icon proudly presents.   The Irish Pub has been long claimed as “the centre of Ireland communities”; it has been an important part of Irish culture for centuries. Most Irish folks, like other asians; felt like a beer afterwork pint somewhere close, neighboring area for good, hope for a non-stop beer flow. They never goes...

Macau Coloane Wharf noodle shop

Every time you visit the Coloane Wharf, you shall pass the noodle shop, which always bounded full of people. The owner of this property is just opposite to the shop “Ying Kei Fish stall” for half a centuries. Born in a family’ seafood supply background, who now currently own this family-owned noodle restaurant place; would like to locked down considerable...

San Man Kei Pork Chop

On a clear Saturday morning, it is time to hunt for a rich breakfast. Avoid getting too much trouble looking for a parking space near Northern Districts of Porto Cerco; One of my friend insisted revisiting this tea restaurant today; what we are referring was closeby to Portas Cerco Shopping Centre, the pork chop noodle shop. For me giving a...

The Long History Ice Cream Lai Kei

Yes, bingo, you got it right; That’s the nostalgic ice cream shop, a must eat shop when everyone visit Macau. It has been in business for more than eighty years, including the “cart trolleys” initiated back in the 1960s; Till they moved to the Ho Lan Luen store. The Lai Kei ice cream currently operated by the third generations, mainly...

Macanese Curry Samosa

Today we will introduce every Macanese family most popular knowing-how to make “The Macanese Samosas”. Apart from that, Other popular Macanese food also included Apabicos, Chilicote, Chilicote-Folhas, and fried curry minced pork Pãozinhos, Recheado etc. The Authentic samosa The traditional Indian mixed vegetable curry samosa we ate nowadays; was all about the delicious aromas with mustard and mint alienated sauce...

Cozinha Aida

A friend of mine made a booking appointment with his skin allergic doctor one day; its almost impossible to look for a good parking spot, eventually ending up as his designated driver; Meantime, enjoying a decent Portuguese lunch next door. The missing Cozinha Aida Restaurant, which haven’t been there ten years ago, is located at Avenida de Sidonio Pais, right...

The Bird’s Paradise Midnight Bakery

The Wheat Bakery located in Horta da Mitra, has been patronized them when young till now for more than thirty years; I believed many locals might not aware of this shop. Most products are home-made, mainly wholesaling local supermarkets within Macau like say Seng Cheong, Veng Kei supermarkets, etc; available for sale at specific period, which, they quite popular. As...

Macau Thai Cultural Festival

All the past years lived lots of Thai Chinese migrate from Thailand rooting Thai food and traditional customs in Macau. Thus, many Thai restaurants have well mixed with elements of relatively primitive Macau Thai Cuisine, creating unique, localised Thai cuisine. Yet unknowingly injected within Macau’s daily life. Truly, Thai food has claimed as one of the most popular dishes today....

Street Food V – Lourenco Market

St Lourenco Market were located at Rua da Praia do Manduco. This is one of the oldest street in Macau. It connects to main road Rua do Almirante Sergio. All prosperity gathered at Manduco in early 20th centuries (named Municipal “new” garden”). It was one of the most popular marketplace for trading, food and seafood. Numerous fishing boats were parked...

Street Food IV – Rua da Emenda

Yizi district composes of five streets interlinked, making up the busiest streets in Macao. (Rua da Emenda, Lu Cao, Rebanho, Tome Pires and Bras da Rosa 義字街; 盧九街; 群隊街; 飛能便度圍; 道咩卑利士街; 羅白沙街). This is one of the most typical street structure set in the old days. All streets are accessible between blocks. Most market stalls open from 7 am –...