Category: Bar and Lounge

Duffy’s Irish Pub

Duffy’s Irish Pub, is Macau’s most authentic Irish icon proudly presents.   The Irish Pub has been long claimed as “the centre of Ireland communities”; it has been an important part of Irish culture for centuries. Most Irish folks, like other asians; felt like a beer afterwork pint somewhere close, neighboring area for good, hope for a non-stop beer flow. They never goes...

The Roadhouse Macau

The Roadhouse Macau Broadway Food Street been popular for Rock n Roll, blues and booze where pub food well served; where live bands rock the stage. It’s also a restaurant & bar place; which uniquely offers a huge menu lists that features Pizza Burger, Pinoy, Mexican, and other Italian dishes. This chill out spot in Macau has been operating fifteen...

The Vic’s Place

Located at the basement’s European-style property, The Rocks Hotel, at Macau Fisherman’s Wharf; The hotel lobby went extremely, beautifully decorated. Along with the spiral staircase and European crystal chandelier embellishments, the lobby doesn’t feel restrained at all. The Homy ambience Once stepped into the main dining area, the highlight goes to the wooden furniture themed setups; Embedded with semi-open kitchen,...

The Different Macau Oktoberfest Experience

I believed many people would definitely consider reaching out, getting chilled and relax in one of the Autumn October days. In regardless whether it all happened in Hong Kong or Macau; Majority will choose one of the outdoor celebrating Germany Oktoberfest event, enjoying for a zip up till time for home. Due to the epidemic this year, crowd gathering and...

Goa Nights

Crossover Indian style snack bar restaurant Goa Night – is located in the heart of Taipa’s old town. I believed everyone tried Indian food many times; The general impression goes to full Indian flavor, injected with leading colorful decor, infused with strong smell of Indian aroma curry flavor. All inspirations said came along with fashionable, Indian snacks choices, blended with...

Club Militar de Macau Musical Journeys

Located next to Garden Francisco (Macau Avenida da Praia Grande) – The Military Club was built in 1872. This building serves as a recreation area for exclusive members at the Military Club. In the 40’s served as a shelter for refugees. After, the Repartição da Fazenda (Treasury) was setup there which, from the 50s onwards, now the property named Clube...

Pesticos or Tapas? 3 Sardines Macau

Another beautiful place having a great time with a glass of wine and “Pesticos”. Wait, Pesticos or Tapas? Aperitivo, Canapé appetizers…. in general, we call them “snacks”, or small dishes, along with some alcohol, enjoy under the most atmospheric spot.  Tapas has conquered the whole world nearly, a bite-sized piece of bread topped with some delicious stuff. Pesticos are generally...

Where Macau Heart & Soul Met

Serenity arises under pandemic outbreaks. Have mastered a good grasp hold in one of the weekend’s evening time slots browse around between the old streets of Rua dos Ervanarios and Patio de Chon Sau of Ruins of St Paul. How dare missing those havens of old tranquility and elegance of Macau back in my childhood times. The long marble staircase...