The Mao Mao Birds Paradise

Bird Garden (Horta da Mitra) composes of ten or more in dozens small streets and alleyways, all interlinked with each other; the entire place fully embedded with slow and leisure atmospheric ambience during the day. From historical happenings shown the Bird’s Paradise was once a place where birds surrounding with fragrant flowers and blossoms. No wonder the former Portuguese communities were also gone attracted by such lushly forest sceneries; and such prime location became a famous bird hunting place, thus named “Bird’s Garden” till now.

Birds Paradise not only claimed as one of the best food camps; they also regained the kindness and coziness that has been long-lost within the local neighborhood area. Regardless any street that still remained, everyone will say hello with their warmest smile.
Since most of the shops are close to people; every household, especially the old neighborhoods living on the ground floor, always love to raise domestic cats; Firstly is to add atmosphere to the shop, and secondly; long time ago, this area belonged to an ancient historical district. Many infrastructures, public drains and environmental facilities have not been properly managed; causing poor sanitation and environmental problems. Therefore, many shops came to raise cats to drive away rats, cockroaches and other insects.

At present, the “cat owner habit” in every household can be found in the bird’s paradise. In the morning, cats are freely stationing in each preferred street for later patrolling; basking under the sun, visiting his neighbors around the neighborhood are prior their lovely meals; they even check their regular food left overs by their neighbor along the way home.
If you are a “cat slave”, you must definitely go to the Bird’s Paradise watching their every move. As part of the “slave groups”, would like to share their cute side here.
Come visit them if you have the opportunity wondering around, and remember their names by the way!